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Hey there! I'm Felicia! I'm a luxury wedding photographer, pet momma, wife, and cupcake addict.  I photograph in Arizona, Washington and Worldwide. I would love to chat and get to know you better! 

November 11, 2018

Hi and welcome to my online home! I am a photographer located in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm married to my wonderful hubby, Jon, and we have 7 fur babies: Kitty Amazing, Baby Kitty, Petunia, and China, our cats, Hank and Seymour, our dogs, and Junichiro, our hedgehog. Admittedly, Junichiro is more of a spiky baby than a fur baby. I love travel, nutella, donuts, cupcakes, (okay just bring me all the carbs alright?), reading, green tea, soccer, dancing, and soft pillow cases. I love having you, I hope you stay awhile.


Andrea and Lake’s Roche Harbor Resort Wedding, Friday Harbor, Washington

“I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me.” —Roy Croft

Lake and Andrea, where do I even begin. They are both driven and insanely smart. As Andrea’s dad put it, “Andrea was successful at everything she ever put her mind to: music, sports, academics. So when she couldn’t find her match in Canada, we had to move to the States.” This made me laugh out loud. And it’s a good thing they did because at work in Seattle 4 years ago, these two met. They both work in the aeronautics industry (I’m lucky I can even spell that word), and it was their jokes and friendship that blossomed their relationship at work.

Lake proposed to Andrea by taking her on a trip for their anniversary to Leavenworth. On the way back from the trip, Lake pulled over at Deception Falls. At the base of the waterfall, he got down on one knee and asked Andrea to spend forever with him.

This couple could not have picked a better spot for their wedding. Roche Harbor Resort in Friday Harbor, Washington, has everything to make a gorgeous wedding: marina, ocean views, forest, leaves changing into fall colors, and quaint architecture.  So needless to say I was pretty excited to be capturing these two in this spectacular place.

During the first look, as tears came down Lake’s face, Andrea put her hands on his cheeks. You can feel the love, warmth, and joy that emanate from these two for each other. They have such a kindness and tenderness reserved for each other.

We received an unexpected surprise in the marina when a Yacht owner invited us onto his boat for pictures! When someone invites you to stand on the front of their boat for pictures, you say yes to adventure. And Lake and Andrea are always up for an adventure! Of course, the first picture we took was a Titantic throw back, as we yelled “I’m King of the world!” Classic.

The reception was a blast, and I loved all the fun games they incorporated into their evening. First, they had a bubble gum blowing contest with all the little kids in attendance, and then they had, what I will call, a booty shaking contest.  This is where you strap kleenex boxes filled with plastic balls to your waist and have to shake your booty to get the balls to fall out.  It was hilarious.

Their day was equal parts beauty, joy, hilarious moments, and emotional ones, and I’m so blessed to have been a part of it. <3


  1. Nanette Gemmer

    November 13th, 2018 at 5:40 pm

    amazing pictures Loved them all U rock

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