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Hey there! I'm Felicia! I'm a luxury wedding photographer, pet momma, wife, and cupcake addict.  I photograph in Arizona, Washington and Worldwide. I would love to chat and get to know you better! 

April 30, 2018

Hi and welcome to my online home! I am a photographer located in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm married to my wonderful hubby, Jon, and we have 7 fur babies: Kitty Amazing, Baby Kitty, Petunia, and China, our cats, Hank and Seymour, our dogs, and Junichiro, our hedgehog. Admittedly, Junichiro is more of a spiky baby than a fur baby. I love travel, nutella, donuts, cupcakes, (okay just bring me all the carbs alright?), reading, green tea, soccer, dancing, and soft pillow cases. I love having you, I hope you stay awhile.


Mary and Kyle’s Shenandoah Mills Wedding, Gilbert, Az

“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” -Ann Landers

Mary and Kyle were married at Shenandoah Mills in an intimate ceremony surrounded by their closest friends and family. This couple was so easy going and fun to hang out with. As Mary was determined not to let Kyle see her before the ceremony, we had to be a bit creative with hiding him! Sorry we had to lock you in the bathroom LOL but I know it was worth it to see your beautiful bride for the first time as she walked down the aisle to you!

These two have been together for 4 years, and met while they were both working at Bass Pro Shop. And after almost three years of being best friends and growing together, Kyle proposed to Mary over Christmas 2016. After a year of planning their dream wedding, it was finally here! I was so happy to be there to capture every moment of their special day!

Can you believe these two were concerned they weren’t photogenic?! I mean, can you just look at Mary’s eyes??? I’m dying over here over this couple’s portraits! And I have to give this bride props because she not only planned the entire day herself, but she designed all the flowers and bouquets for the wedding! I mean, can you say talent? Then there was the cake, which her grandma, Mary Clare, made and designed! When I saw the wedding cake topper “shit just got real,” I laughed for a solid 5 minutes. I knew in that exact moment that I was with a couple I was going to connect with.

Thanks for being such a pleasure to work with and get to know, and I’m so excited for your future! And remember that ice cold Coors Light makes not just portraits sessions, but all things, better 😉


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